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Insert Method

ShowInsert method as it applies to the Range object.

ShowInsert method as it applies to the Characters object.

ShowInsert method as it applies to the ShapeNodes object.


This example selects the third shape in the active document, checks whether the shape is a Freeform object, and if it is, inserts a node. This example assumes three shapes exist on the active worksheet.

Sub InsertShapeNode()
    With Selection.ShapeRange
        If .Type = msoFreeform Then
            .Nodes.Insert _
                Index:=3, SegmentType:=msoSegmentCurve, _
                EditingType:=msoEditingSymmetric, X1:=35, Y1:=100
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 200)
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            MsgBox "This shape is not a Freeform object."
        End If
    End With
End Sub